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Welcome! Tutorials are listed below in two different ways, depending on your experience level and goal.

The first list is the exact steps I take when building a new website. If you are new, or building your first website, this list is for you. It covers the fundaments of most basic sites. If you have a suggestion for something to add, let me know.

More experienced people may prefer the second list. It groups tutorials into categories so it’s easier to find the specific tutorial you need.

Planning and Building a New Website

Assuming already have:

  • Domain name + rec’d registrars
  • Website hosting + rec’d hosting co’s (budget:Namecheap, mid/value:WPX, high-end:Kinsta,Closte)


  1. Accounts and basic details
    • Prepare contact information for site
      • Email address. Ideally @domain.tld not gmail/yahoo/outlook. Set one up and get SMTP/POP details. (outside scope? future topic?)
      • Phone (recommendations if need new separate biz number? free and premium options)
      • Mailing address (future topic GMB setup, local SEO)
    • Create SMTP account for deliverability on all hosts (free postmark recommended/linked)
    • Create cloud DNS/firewall account for security and speed features (free Cloudflare rec’d/linked. Future post re firewall and page rules.)
    • Create hcaptcha account for additional login security.
  2. Plugin stack (GP Premium, FF, Code Snippets,
  3. Decide on color palette. Will be inherited by buttons, forms, links, other CSS to be added later.
    • ID hex code, get complementary color from Canva tool.
    • Define shades and tints of each. Ideally hover/active = tints (lighter), active/focus = shades (darker). Toptal tool.
    • Add these to Customizer so GP can create the CSS variables.

Tutorials by category

Local Templates

Global Styles


Utility CSS

Grids, lists, first post-featured

Index, single, archives

Logo in middle of navigation

Navigation to right of logo

Navigation combined with Hero section

Buttons in header

Buttons in navigation menu

404 not found

Search results

Archives & Categories


Top bar

After post content

In sidebars

Dedicated sections/banners/rows

In footer

Options pages with ACF

Testimonials CPT

Team CPT

Job Listings CPT